Saturday, 28 April 2012

The ultimate story of rejection.

"The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." ♥ Today's responsorial psalm at church struck a chord. Deeply --

Suddenly I was overwhelmed by a flood of memories that bear one similar theme: THE FEELING OF NOT BEING ENOUGH. Not good enough, not pretty enough, not sexy enough, not ladylike enough, not tall enough, not enough to make the people you love happy enough to want to stay. Now these are MY labels, but you can also use so many words out of the English dictionary to spell out various forms of rejection. After all, each of us bear our own stories of rejection.

Many of us are still so wrapped up in some sort of drama that it doesn't immediately occur to us to consider The Ultimate Story of Rejection: Everyday at least a dozen of us reject GOD in some way or the other. From neglecting to give Him a moment's breath of prayer or a quick word of thanks to just being plain lazy about being faithful to His word, the ways in which we answer His indescribably MASSIVE love with our shockingly thoughtless selfishness are innumerable.

I urge you to contemplate this & raise solemn prayers to His Holy Name.

Lord, my heart is a canvas of at least a hundred rejections. For a moment there I think to myself that surely no sight could be uglier than this battered organ, then I recall Your own endless sacrifices amid unconditional love & infinite forgiveness. ♥ Help me to emulate Your silent strength & teach me to surrender with patient courage to Your will, that this throbbing canvas may be transformed into a masterpiece as all traces of its shadows are banished by the radiant glory of Your grace. AMEN.